
Prayer Life

Prayer Life

Prayer is a key part of our life together and is foundational for all we do as we seek to worship and serve God.

As well as being included in our main Sunday Worship, prayer occurs in different places and times as people gather throughout the week at various meetings and activities.

If you would like prayer to be made on behalf of yourself or someone else, we have a team of people who will pray for you.  The prayer team can be contacted at any time by email. Please send your request to:   

Please state your request and ensure that you have the permissions of the person to be prayed for.  You can ask for your name or the name of the person being prayed for not to be shared with the team. We will still pray and please know that all prayer requests are shared only within the team and there in confidence. 



The church sanctuary is open every Monday from 1.15 pm - 2.15pm as we gather for an hour to pray together. The format is varied but we usually begin by worshipping God in song, read some scripture and then pray.

During the holidays, the church still opens on Mondays for the same hour when we simply have a drop-in prayer session that is less structured.

If you would like someone to pray with you either at church or at home, please do not hesitate to contact our Pastoral Support.Worker via the prayer email address or by calling 07503072679.  

From time to time, we run The Prayer Course.

We also hold special prayer events and occasional prayer retreats which are advertised on the Church bulletin.